“Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice” is the theme of our SLGC tree at the Cleveland Botanical Gardens this holiday season open from November 20th until January 2nd! Hearth and Home is the main theme for the CBG Garden Holiday Show.
Commonly when we think of endangered species in North America, we might think of Polar Bears; when we think of extinct species, we imagine the Ivory-billed Woodpecker. But plants fall into these categories also. According to the website Gardenia, the US Forest Service estimates that invasive species have contributed to the decline of 42% of US endangered and threatened plant species, and the extinction of up to 18%. “They displace and alter native plant communities, degrade wildlife habitat and water quality, and potentially lead to increased soil erosion.
This year’s selection is a mix of read-alouds for the youngest and nature lessons for older children, and we begin with a craft and fun book that recycles itself into projects for 9-13 year olds.
What's the news? What did you hear over the garden gate? Has your contact information changed since the new Directory was published? Who heard what? Who has learned something to share with us? Who has a great new idea? Who loves to share the miracles of nature? It's all here!
Our 2021-22 Garden Club season is off to a good start, after a well-attended and well-received September program where Tom Wiandt awed us with the complexity of mushroom cultivation, followed by October’s Joint Meeting, hosted by SLGC this year and featuring Trudy Coxe, CEO and Executive Director of The Preservation Society of Newport County, winner of the 2021 GCA Medal for Historic Preservation.
Known for their structure, seed heads and graceful movement, ornamental grasses can and should be an integral part of your garden. When planted en masse, they provide a continuity of color when placed amongst broad leaved plants.
In late September the Provisionals enjoyed a wonderful tour of Ann Cicarella’s garden and apiary. We learned about planting pollinators, and how to support bees in the garden.
What's the news? What did you hear over the garden gate? Has your contact information changed since the new Directory was published? Who heard what? Who has learned something to share with us? Who has a great new idea? Who loves to share the miracles of nature? It's all here!
The SLGC Board is pleased to announce that the following women have accepted the Club's invitation to become new provisional members beginning in the 2021-2022 season. An impressive group of women!
The Fabens are back in Cleveland, but I kept the kayak photo as a reminder of our shortened summer on Georgian Bay. Now we are officially into Autumn, and suddenly it feels like a different season!
Cathy Miller has been made a Botanical Arts Judge!
Botanical Jewelry, as it was called in the beginning, became popular in the East in the late 1900’s. Our own Dotty Elliott first saw it at The Philadelphia Flower Show and was so taken with it that when she got home, she invited a woman from the Wissahicken GC to speak at our joint meeting with GCC. Cathy, already a jeweler and metalsmith, was immediately smitten with the art form.
A Zone X Awards Ceremony Watch Party ZOOM was held at 5:00 pm on Monday, September 13, 2021 at Chagrin Falls Township Hall in Chagrin Falls for the two SLGC-sponsored Zone awards given out this year. GCA had requested there be a small watch party for our two recipients.