Plants & Gardens
The Horticulture Committee seeks to nurture the knowledge and love of gardening, to promote useful and valuable plants and to conserve those at risk. It supports SLGC members in their efforts to educate their communities in responsible ways to plant, propagate, grow and show.
Horticulture Committee Workshops are open to all club members and sometimes guests.
Workshop ideas for the future are winter branch forcing, the culture of houseplants and tropicals, outdoor winter container planting, a bulb workshop, and preparing horticulture for show.
If you have an idea for a workshop that you would like to try, please contact the Horticulture Chairs.
Photo courtesy of Linda Paine
Horticulture Resources
Tips for Entering a Flower Show from the Little Garden Club of Rye, 2008
A Quick Education on Nomenclature by Jane Moore of the Gardeners Garden Club
How to Win Blue Ribbons in the Horticulture Division of a Flower Show by Carrie Waterman of the Noanett Garden Club, 2011
Tips for Entering Horticulture in the 2016 Philadelphia Flower Show by Deb Donaldson of the Gardeners Garden Club
Want to Enter a Houseplant in the Flower Show? It's Easy! by Penni Jenkins of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society
What are Judges Looking for in Horticultural Specimens? by G. Beck, S. Binnie, J. Hovland, 2014
How to Groom Your Bloom by Nancy Linz of the Garden Club of Dayton, 2016
Judging Orchids at a GCA Flower Show, submitted by Suzy Hartford, 2017
All About Clematis by Margaret Ransohoff