What's the news? What did you hear over the garden gate? Has your contact information changed since the new Directory was published? Who heard what? Who has learned something to share with us? Who has a great new idea? Who loves to share the miracles of nature? It's all here!
Cathy Miller has been made a Botanical Arts Judge!
Botanical Jewelry, as it was called in the beginning, became popular in the East in the late 1900’s. Our own Dotty Elliott first saw it at The Philadelphia Flower Show and was so taken with it that when she got home, she invited a woman from the Wissahicken GC to speak at our joint meeting with GCC. Cathy, already a jeweler and metalsmith, was immediately smitten with the art form.
A Zone X Awards Ceremony Watch Party ZOOM was held at 5:00 pm on Monday, September 13, 2021 at Chagrin Falls Township Hall in Chagrin Falls for the two SLGC-sponsored Zone awards given out this year. GCA had requested there be a small watch party for our two recipients.
It is that time of year to begin thinking about Shaker Lakes Garden Club membership. The health of our club is dependent upon our active, talented, and philanthropic membership.
The riot of summer perennials has passed so which plants will continue to attract pollinators when autumn arrives? Here are some worth planting that will extend the flowering season.
A Brief Review of the Situation at the Shaker Lakes, with emphasis on the issues surrounding Horseshoe Lake
Historic Background Timeline
1840’s: The North Union Shakers dammed the North and Middle Forks of Doan Brook to create Horseshoe Lake (aka Upper Shaker Lake), so that they could use hydropower to run a mill.
The Garden Club of American acknowledged the $1,200 gift from the Shaker Lakes Garden Club to the Katherine M. Grosscup Scholarships in Horticulture. Thank you to all members who designated their gifts to Charitable Projects for the Grosscup Scholars.
What's the news? What did you hear over the garden gate? Has your contact information changed since the new Directory was published? Who heard what? Who has learned something to share with us? Who has a great new idea? Who loves to share the miracles of nature? It's all here!