What's the news? What did you hear over the garden gate? Has your contact information changed since the new Directory was published? Who heard what? Who has learned something to share with us? Who has a great new idea? Who loves to share the miracles of nature? It's all here!
I’m writing this a few days before Thanksgiving, and thinking about how different our anticipation of the holidays was last year, when we had to plan for remote celebrations and Zoomed gatherings with family and friends. How fortunate we are now – not out of the woods yet, but able to gather in person and share our thanks.
“Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice” is the theme of our SLGC tree at the Cleveland Botanical Gardens this holiday season open from November 20th until January 2nd! Hearth and Home is the main theme for the CBG Garden Holiday Show.
Commonly when we think of endangered species in North America, we might think of Polar Bears; when we think of extinct species, we imagine the Ivory-billed Woodpecker. But plants fall into these categories also. According to the website Gardenia, the US Forest Service estimates that invasive species have contributed to the decline of 42% of US endangered and threatened plant species, and the extinction of up to 18%. “They displace and alter native plant communities, degrade wildlife habitat and water quality, and potentially lead to increased soil erosion.
This year’s selection is a mix of read-alouds for the youngest and nature lessons for older children, and we begin with a craft and fun book that recycles itself into projects for 9-13 year olds.
What's the news? What did you hear over the garden gate? Has your contact information changed since the new Directory was published? Who heard what? Who has learned something to share with us? Who has a great new idea? Who loves to share the miracles of nature? It's all here!