As we celebrate the holiday season with family and friends, I’m especially grateful for my SLGC “family.”.Many thanks to all of you for making our club fun, educational and vital to our community.
It’s time for another look at our favorite gift – a book! For our gardening friends -- or our gardening selves. Here are a few recent publications you might consider, as well as one ten-year-old amusement.
It's easy to participate. All you have to do is send us your old Christmas lights for recycling and we'll send you a coupon good for 15% off LED Christmas lights.
As my daughters are now grown, my enthusiasm for holiday decorating has dissipated, to say the least. As the ubiquitous Santas and reindeer are tucked away, my favorite holiday decorations are Simon Pearce hand blown glass evergreens.
What's the news? What did you hear over the garden gate? Notice any errors in the new Directory? Who heard what? Who has learned something to share with us? Who has a great new idea? Who loves to share the miracles of nature? It's all here!