Flower Show Hort Entries Needed!
Martha Marsh
Ladies, PLEASE if you have anything in bloom in your garden, or a good green plant sprig, an herb that is not moth eaten, or ANYTHING that is showy, PLEASE bring it to the show! Thursday, Sept 7, from 4-7 entry will be FAR less crazy than Friday Sept 8 from 9-11.
You need to fill out an entry card from the GCA website, found here. It is the Hort card — tall and thin — three up on a page. You can fill it out at home, which makes life considerably easier, or fill it out in person at the show. It is WAY easier to do it ahead. You will need the common and botanical names of your entry. If you don’t know, ask Cynthia, Suzy, Robin, or me.
Flummoxed? Look up online “What is the Latin for Dahlia.” If you do not know what you have, just write the Latin for Dahlia (Capitalized) and sp. (not capitalized), which means species (and you don’t know which one.)
PLEASE bring entries!!!! We have judges coming from all over the eastern half of the country and we need to do ourselves proud. Be a part of our strength! We are SLGC!!!
I want to tell you how I got into the Hort Racket: As a new member I would come to shows, too afraid to enter anything in Hort, and I would see what won. I walked away saying, “Jeez, I have a better one than that at home.” The next show I brought what I had and started winning ribbons. It is a lovely feeling! Dip your toe in the water!