Tired of Staying Home? Miss Garden Club Activities?
Carol Provan and Sandy Holmes
You are invited to take part in a Charitable Projects Scavenger Hunt Contest! Come on a socially distanced garden club adventure. Here is your opportunity to see grants in action, made possible with our club’s financial support.
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, August 18th, from 9 to noon. (Rain date is Thursday, August 20th, so we need your RSVP to notify you in case the rain date is necessary.)
Go on your own, or as a team - your choice. Participation is not restricted to members: husbands, children, grandchildren, neighbors are all welcomed and eligible to enter the contest.
Contest Rules
Visit at least 2 of the 5 sites. All are recipients of YOUR gifts to Charitable Projects between 2017-2019, chosen for proximity and project content in this season. Representatives of the organizations will be available at each location to explain the projects and answer your questions. When you RSVP, you will receive the list of sites and complete parking /meeting instructions.
Take some phone photographs to share your experience. Prizes will be awarded in the photographic “categories” of:
Best selfie
Most creative
Most gorgeous
Judges will use the following criteria: The ones they like the best. Judging will be done by a highly select panel of experts who shall never be named.
Prizes will be announced in the fall edition of the SLGC newsletter!
RSVP and submit photos to Sandy Holmes : sandyduncanholmesSLGC@gmail.com
Looking forward to seeing you in person!