SLGC Committee Chairs 2018-2019
Committee Chairs and their committees are already hard at work getting everything ready for the 2018-2019 season!
Awards: Julie Given
Communications/PR: Lee Jacobs
Conservation/NAL: Cynthia Druckenbrod and Robin Schachat
Founders Fund: Lee Warshawsky
Garden History and Design: Joan Fountain and Mary Anne Liljedahl
GCA Bulletin: Rebecca Carmi
Horticulture: Molly Dixon
Photography: Beth Boles
Programs: Annamarie Brancovsky and Carole Obernesser
Charitable Projects: Sandy Holmes and Carol Provan
Finance: Amy Paine
Greens Workshop: Annamarie Brancovsky
Historian/Custodian: Suzy Hartford
Hospitality: Judy Eakin
Membership: Bonnie Lau
Newsletter/Website: Dozie Herbruck
Nominating: Leslie Marting
Provisionals: Jennifer Moeller
Scholarship: Ruth Eppig
Visiting Gardens: Sally Roman
Holden Forests: Margaret Ransohoff
Shaker Lakes Nature Center: Caroline Borrow
Yearbook: Joan Holmes