Robin Schachat and Jane Ellison
We have lost 3 billion birds in the last 50 years and the decline is continuing …… What is a person to do??
Zoom in on MAY 1 at NOON to hear…..
PLANTING IS FOR THE BIRDS! A primer for your yard.
John Barber
How can we best feed birds in our yards? The accepted wisdom of many feeders brimming with commercially-grown seeds is increasingly seen as one of the lowest priorities for helping both nesting and migrating birds. Are we only supporting invasive birds? The answer lies in designing and planting a wide array of native trees, shrubs, and perennials to host the most diverse array of native insects, while avoiding the temptation to plant non-native and potentially invasive plants sometimes sold as "bird-friendly". We'll talk about turning yards of any size into truly bird-friendly habitats.
Meeting ID: 829 3271 6990
Passcode: 438484