Rice Branch Raingarden Volunteer Opportunity!
Jane Ellison
Installation of the SLGC Charitable Projects funded Raingarden at the Rice Branch Library in Buckeye!
All are welcome at a volunteer opportunity on the install day of the Rice Branch Library Raingarden! The install will start at 8 am on May 5th (May 12th raindate). Donuts and coffee will be provided in the morning and pizza at lunch. Volunteers can come and go, but it would be great to get a sense for numbers. The NEO master raingarden team will be volunteering too. The morning will entail digging, then planting and mulching in the afternoon. The fact that the Doan Brook Watershed Partnership was able to partner with the Master Raingardeners brought an additional $1300 to the project. Bonus! RSVP Jane Ellison at jane.slgc@gmail.com or 216-371-5123.