Charitable Projects Recipients
Laurel Stack and Jane Ellison
Winners of the Charitable Projects Awards:
West Creek Conservancy Morgana Bluffs Preserve!!
For invasives clearing and native plantings - $5000
Due to the stellar generosity of SLGC members this year, there were many winners. Our donations of $21,075 were also able to fund:
The Audubon Society of Greater Cleveland Novak and Aurora Sanctuaries: Invasives clearing and step-building projects (which received about 1/3 of your votes) - $4800
The Nature Center at Shaker Lakes: Head Start Outreach Program for 23 preschool classes - $2000
The Friends of Lower Lake: Plantings at the trail entry points on the west side of North Woodland Road connecting trails between NCSL and Lower Lake where two new crosswalks are to be installed - $2500
The Doan Brook Watershed Partnership: Cleveland Public Library, Harvey Rice Branch Rain Garden - $2450
Buster’s Bird Nerds (a group of Cleveland Metropolitan School District students led by a science teacher on birding expeditions): Raincoats - $1000
AND the Grosscup Scholarship Fund received an unprecedented $3325
Thank you to all members who donated to the Charitable Projects Fund in 2021-2022.