Overheard at the Garden Gate
Sincere condolences go to the family and friends of Ann Pinkerton Ranney, long time member of SLGC, who lost her battle with cancer in January. Funeral services were held at Gesu on January 18. Click here to read Ann’s obituary.
Directory Information
Jennifer Wey has a new address: 4174 East Gables Court, Grand Rapids, MI 49525. Please make the change in your directory.
Wondering When to Start Your Seeds?
Molly Dixon sent a link to a very informative article by John Scheepers outlining the dates and procedures for starting your seeds for next summer’s harvest. Click here to read it.
Holden Lecture: Mentor Marsh: History, Tragedy, Recovery
Wednesday, February 13 at 7 pm
Join David Kriska, PhD, from the Cleveland Musuem of Natural History for a free lecture exploring the history of the Mentor Marsh, including how the site was overtaken by reed grass, an aggressive invasive plant, and the subsequent large-scale restoration of the Marsh. Click here to register.
Charitable Projects Reminder
It is NOT too late to make a donation to Charitable Projects for this year. Send check to Carol Provan at 2 Hampton Court, Beachwood, OH 44122. For more information, contact Carol Provan or Sandy Holmes.
Longwood Gardens Discovery
Click here to read an article about a recent discovery of a rare orchid at Longwood Gardens.
Want to Live to be 100?
Gardening may just do it for you! Read the article shared by Barb Shockey.
GCA Trip to Austria and Bavaria from June 22 - July 2, 2019
There is still space available for the Austria/Bavaria trip. From GCA, “This glorious tour, with luxury accommodations, will take us from Munich, the attractive capital of Bavaria, through the beautiful Austrian countryside to the stately city of Vienna.” Click here for more information.
There are Three Super Moons in a Row this Winter!
In 2019, three Super Full Moons will appear consecutively; the first one on January 21, and the next two on February 19 and March 21 (The Vernal Equinox). The February Super Full Moon, aka The Full Snow Moon, will be the biggest of all three in 2019, closest to Earth.
An Invitation from GCC
From Dale Naylor, president of the Garden Club of Cleveland:
Heather Thomas, founder of HeatherLily, will do a presentation on her business, her farm (Apple Blossom), her design techniques and her inspiration. She will also do a couple of demonstration arrangements - one large on a pedestal and one smaller. Check out her website http://heatherlily.com
Tuesday, April 16th
The Country Club, 2825 Lander Rd, Pepper Pike
Coffee at 9:30 am, Program at 10:00 am
Cost for SLGC and AGC members is $25, paid in advance (deadline to receive checks is April 1st). We will email back confirmation of your check being received. Mail checks to Mikiko Fujita, 31100 Fairmount Blvd, Pepper Pike, OH 44124.
A Word from Cuyahoga County about Super Bowl Recycling
Cleveland, Ohio -- The big football game is coming and the excitement is growing! But the big game and the parties that accompany it generate a lot of trash. Unfortunately, all disposable paper and plastic cups cannot be recycled. Do not place them in with curbside recycling. Make sure the red plastic cups (and all other colors) plus plastic utensils and disposable plates make it into the trash instead.
Here’s how you can be prepared to tackle waste and recycle right during football's main event on Sunday, February 3:
Choose reusable cups and utensils instead of buying single-use disposable plastic varieties that can’t be recycled curbside. If you need more than you have on hand, you can usually buy them very inexpensively at thrift, discount and secondhand shops. After your party, just put them in the dishwasher — instead of sending them off to the landfill — and store them in a box until your next event.
Consider a decorative or event-themed reusable cup as a fun party favor (and have a marker available so each guest can write their name on their cup). These are often used for years — instead of hours.
Get out the old china dishes. Avoid using paper plates and foil pans – none are recyclable. If you are packaging leftovers, reuse plastic containers or glass jars instead of throw-away alternatives.
Serve beverages from aluminum cans and glass bottles that can be placed in your curbside recycling during and after the party. Make sure to place a well-marked recycling bin (labeled for empty cans and bottles) right next to the trash can.
The Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District is the public agency helping the people of Cuyahoga County reduce, reuse and recycle at home, at work and in our communities. We serve as the leading resource in the County for information, expertise and programs that support sustainable materials management and reduce the environmental impact of waste. Visit www.CuyahogaRecycles.org or call 216.443.3749 to learn how to recycle in your community and discover other recycling and disposal options. For more information contact Cristie Snyder at 216.443.3707 or csnyder@cuyahogacounty.us
Garden History and Design
From Joan Fountain: