Floral Designers Unite!
Robin Schachat
The Shaker Lakes Garden Club is seeking a small, select team of floral designers (2 to 5) to create a pair of LARGE arrangements to celebrate our club’s pivotal role in the birth of The Nature Center at Shaker Lakes. These arrangements will adorn either the entrance or the stage at the Golden Anniversary benefit celebration of The Nature Center’s founding, on the evening of June 11, 2016. The themes of these arrangements should be taken from the phrases "fly ways, not by-ways" and "ducks, not trucks" in commemoration of the victory of conservationists over the Clark-Lee Freeway that would have destroyed the Shaker Lakes. Would you like to play a role in this anniversary celebration? This is a marvelous opportunity to allow your creative juices to flow and your exuberance to overflow! Please call or email Robin to volunteer yourself or your team for this wonderful opportunity.